
Ball Decks & Castor Decks


Ball Decks provide a multi-directional transfer medium to allow staff to manually manoeuver, redirect and reorientate ULDs. Small deck areas may be installed as junctions between conveyors and other equipment, while in more extensive installations large Ball Decks act as prime mover, used to manually transfer and manipulate ULDs between an array of interfacing equipment.

McGrath Industries' Ball Decks are modular in design to facilitate simplified installation and easy re-configuration or extension when necessary. Ball Decks may be installed with an operational height of 200mm (8" - Workstation height) or 508mm (20" - Dolly height). Accessory components including Side Guides and Retainers, Impact Barriers, Weigh Bridges, Trash Skirts and Bridging Rollers complete the deck installation.
B&T BTU CS6030
McGrath Industries use and recommend premium quality B&T Bearings' Ball Transfer Units (BTUs).

McGrath Industries represent B&T Bearings in Australia and New Zealand.
Please Contact Us if you require new BTUs or a complete Ball Deck solution.

McGrath Castor Deck 1 110pxCastor Decks provide a high performance alternative suitable for lighter weight ULDs typical of express operations. Our Castor Decks fully encapsulate the castors with treaded walkway plate, providing a safe surface on which staff can manipulate the containers.