Manual Roller ConveyorsOur Manual Roller Conveyors for general air freight facilities utilise McGrath Industries' proprietary GII Roller. The GII Roller is a robust design, developed for easy manual operation. Compared with other rollers, the GII operates under heavy load with reduced effort and maintains consistent high performance for the life of the machinery. In the floor level working environment, GII Conveyors are utilised for ULD storage, transfer and as workstation positions. Workstation conveyors may incorporate Flip Retainers or Roller Brakes to help stabilise the ULD base while loading. Other features include in-fill walkway planking, heavy impact resistant barriers and floor bracketing for permanent installations, or fork-ports to allow conveyors to be easily relocated. GII Conveyors may be combined with our Manual Ball Decks to create an integrated manual handling system. In other facilities, remotely located GII Conveyors may be serviced by Mini Transfer Vehicle, dynamic Roving Transfer Vehicle or fork-lift propelled Slave Dolly. Our GIII Conveyor incorporates our smaller optimised GIII Roller. The GIII Roller is designed for the Express Industry where ULD volumes are high but weight is comparatively lower than general freight. The GIII Roller's quick breakaway under lighter loads provides ideal performance for the tight windows staff work to in express operations. The GIII roller is typically implemented in workstation positions, integrated with Manual Ball Decks or Castor Decks. A range of dolly height Static Racks is also available for loaded or empty ULD applications, utilising either our GII or GIII Rollers. ULD orientation can be Narrow Edge Leading or Wide Edge Leading. Standard features include height adjustable feet, flip stop retainers and walkway planks between roller frames. Wind resistant retainer frames and dolly impact protection barriers are also available. Also see Powered Roller Conveyors for mechanised applications. |